Units come up for sale from time to time. These are private transactions between the seller and the buyer usually conducted by a real estate agent. These agents do not work for nor do they represent the Park. Before you sign anything, do yourself a favour and visit the office to ask your questions and make sure you know what you are signing up for. Park life is wonderful but it is not for everyone. Do you have a car? Are you handy? Living in a unit in the park is not the same as living in a house in the city. Come into the office and have a chat. Office hours are Monday to Friday 10 am until 3 pm and Saturday, 10 am until 1. Call to make an appointment if you like (519-622-7555). Find out what you need to know before sign on the dotted line. The real estate agents are there to help you buy a unit. We are here to help you find your home.
Types of homes in the Park.
All new, permanent sites are being filled with new, Northlander modular homes. They are attractive, energy efficient, and made to your order. Time to down size doesn’t mean losing out on style and comfort.
Northlander mobile homes were installed in the first days of the Park. These too have their charm. All have been previously owned and loved by their long-time occupants. There may be some issues that need attending and being mindful of so there are no surprises.
Northlander park models were all the rage in the 1980’s and 90’s as many were snow birds and literally flew out for the winter. The Park would close down for the winter and those kinds of units suited everyone just fine. Then people began to not go south and stayed home instead which created a need to get the Park made legal for year round occupancy which was finalized in 2004. Part of the agreement with the City of Hamilton, was to remove the park models as they were not deemed suitable for year round zoning. To be clear, they are legal to own and to live in year round, but they are not deemed legal in the eyes of the City and the Building Department will not issue building permits for park models. They were built and designed for three season living and are well-suited to that purpose. We will identify what type of unit for you so there will be misunderstanding later.
It is important to understand that these homes are not made of brick and mortar. It comes a time when they just need to be removed as they have served their purpose. That makes way for a new home to take its place.